They Think they are Jews, but Are Not

GRANT Graeco-Roman Antiquities & the New Testament They Think they are Jews, but Are Not One of the messier issues in early Christian history, including the book of Revelation, is the relationship between “church and synagogue.”  Certainly by the second generation of Christian history, those who believed that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah began … Continue reading They Think they are Jews, but Are Not

Non-Christian Missionaries in Antiquity

GRANT Graeco-Roman Antiquities & the New Testament At least as early as the writings of John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, interpreters of Acts 19:1-7 have thought that the “disciples” mentioned in 19:1 were “Baptists” who remained loyal to their eponymous prophetic founder, John the Baptist.  If Chrysostom and later interpreters have been correct, then naturally … Continue reading Non-Christian Missionaries in Antiquity